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Sunrise & Sunset Kayak

Sun Rise: Rise to the morning sun with an awakening paddle. Start your day with serenity as you paddle your kayak along the shores Georgian Bay. $75 per person/ min 2 people


Sun Set: Dusk is a magical time to be on the water, so what could be more blissful than paddling a kayak with the setting of the sun. We push off as the sun is beginning to set for an evening of relaxation. With the light from the lighthouse growing brighter, we will listen as the wildlife settles in for the night. $75 per person/ min 2 people


*Trip length is 2.5 hours and would begin/end at sunrise or sunset. Because sunset/sunrise is always changing throughout the year it is hard to set an actual time, however, they typically occur between 6 am-9 am in the morning and 7 pm-10 pm in the evening.



To Book a Sun Rise or Sun Set Kayaking Trip, please email us for availability. Thank you

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